
Dear Alex,
I just wanted to let you know what an amazing impact your recent self-defense class had on the four of us who attended ! I would absolutely recommend it for all mothers and daughters !
My close friend and her teenage daughter joined myself and my teen daughter for your class and it has definitely changed the way we all think about our safety at home and in public. We have become so much more aware of our surroundings when we are out in the world because of this class and all of us feel far more confident in our abilities to defend ourselves if someone should try to hurt us. The teens especially appreciated the fact that it was a “hands-on” experience instead of just a lecture. They were so proud of themselves when they were finally able to master the techniques you taught them to avoid being grabbed, to get away from an attacker, and to actually hurt someone who is twice their size by using the skills you taught them that involve strategy rather than strength.
In closing, I just want to tell you that we live in a small college town where [ just last weekend ] there were 4 alleged rapes on campus. We have always felt that this was a safe place to raise our children and we still do, but we all need to realise that we live in a time where women need to be aware that this can happen and need to know what to do to protect themselves. You have given the four of us a great lesson in awareness and ability ! When I see the girls looking around the parking lot as we step out of the car or practicing your techniques on each other, I know that they are safer…
Lisa [ Kutztown, PA. ]

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